The Henley Global Mobility Report is a unique publication featuring commentary by leading scholars and experts on major trends influencing mobility patterns. Grounded in geopolitical analysis and focusing on the unprecedented global challenges and risks shaping our world — climate change, conflict and political upheaval, technological disruption, economic crises, and demographic imbalances — this quarterly report offers exclusive insights into what we can expect in the months to come.
By comparing the latest results of the index with the ND-GAIN Country Index, which looks at a country's vulnerability to climate change and readiness to adapt, we can see close correlations between climate adaptation performance and international travel freedom. This exclusive research by Henley & Partners in partnership with the Deep Knowledge Analytics (DKA), a DeepTech focused agency that produces advanced analytics using sophisticated technology to deliver insightful market intelligence and pragmatic forecasting, confirms that your wealth, citizenship, and passport really do matter when it comes to mitigating the risks of climate change as well as political and economic volatility. Read more.
This collaboration between DKA and Henley & Partners features 199 countries. We have drawn on two sets of data to compare each country’s visa-free or visa-on-arrival score with its exposure to climate disruptions: Henley & Partners’ Henley Passport Index and Notre Dame Adaptation Initiative’s ND-GAIN Country Index. The Henley Passport Index is the original, authoritative ranking of all the world’s passports according to the number of destinations their holders can access without a prior visa and is based on exclusive data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The ND-GAIN Country Index measures two dimensions — the vulnerability of a country, namely, the predisposition of human society to the negative impact of climate hazards, and a country’s readiness to make effective use of investments for adaptation actions thanks to a safe and efficient business environment. ND-GAIN’s framework further divides the measure of vulnerability into exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, and the measure of readiness into economic, governance, and social components. All the data available is licensed by Deep Knowledge Analytics Limited. Henley & Partners Group Holdings Ltd. is not responsible for its correctness. The data posted here is freely accessible for private non-commercial use only.
The Henley Global Mobility Report 2022 Q2 was published on 19 July 2022.
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