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The Global Leader in
Residence and Citizenship by Investment

Corporate Social Responsibility

At Henley & Partners, our social responsibility is expressed through the ethics and integrity of our business practice, actively engaged staff, and a long tradition of discreet and generous philanthropy. We are proud of the many worthy causes we have supported over the years.

Corporate Social Responsibility


Our firm serves clients who enjoy the privilege of choosing where they want to reside in the world and even which citizenship to hold. This is why we have committed ourselves to provide support to those who do not have such choices, in particular, those who are forced to flee their homes and restart their lives in another country. Today, the support of refugees is the main focus of Henley & Partners’ social investment and our contribution to a more just global society.

two boys at refugee camp

2017–present: Andan Foundation and UNICEF Partnership

Our firm serves clients who enjoy the privilege of choosing where they want to reside in the world and even which citizenship to hold. This is why we have committed ourselves to provide support to those who do not have such choices, in particular, those who are forced to flee their homes and restart their lives in another country. Today, the support of refugees is the main focus of Henley & Partners’ social investment and our contribution to a more just global society. Moreover, the most important shareholder of Henley & Partners is a non-profit foundation with the same focus.

Henley & Partners is committed to supporting the Andan Foundation, a non-profit, public-benefit institution based in Switzerland. The foundation was established by Henley & Partners Chairman Dr. Christian Kälin and is focused on addressing refugee self-reliance through education, employment, and entrepreneurship. The foundation aims to propel and facilitate the private sector’s involvement in this area, in order to channel its creative power, resources, and entrepreneurial abilities towards public and private initiatives that create long-term solutions for refugees.

Following the long-standing partnership with UNHCR, Henley & Partners and the Andan Foundation have also partnered with UNICEF, another UN agency, to support important projects — notably, The Generation of Innovation Leaders program, which addresses the high unemployment rates among marginalized youth in Lebanon and improves their access to the knowledge economy.

lady refugees fleeing in water

2016–present: The Henley & Partners Hero Scholarships

As part of ongoing efforts to create opportunities for the development and empowerment of young people in the Caribbean, we created the Henley & Partners Hero Scholarship in partnership with the Halo Foundation in Antigua and Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Canada. The Hero Scholarships identify and support underprivileged students in the Caribbean who deserve recognition not only for their academic merits but also for their remarkable acts of bravery and kindness. The award aims to ease the financial barrier to tertiary-level education for students from disadvantaged backgrounds

handing over of degree scroll

2015–present: The Global Citizen Award

Created in 2014, the Global Citizen Award is a unique international tribute that honors remarkable individuals working at local level to advance one of the global challenges affecting humanity today. Global issues are defined by the UN as challenges that transcend national boundaries and cannot be resolved by any one country acting alone — they require all segments of society to work together in order to alleviate them. 

The Global Citizen Award is open worldwide to those working in a field with a direct link to the issues they are looking to affect and excludes political figures, opinion leaders, and celebrities. The awardee’s work needs to demonstrate a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable social groups.

The award itself consists of a bespoke sculptural medal, an award certificate, and a monetary prize that goes toward supporting the awardee’s humanitarian efforts.

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global citizen award medal

2014–2018: The UNHCR partnership

Since 2014, Henley & Partners has been engaged with the world’s leading humanitarian agency, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Our support of the UNHCR has been primarily focused on funding refugee registration and identification as the starting point for all humanitarian assistance. The UNHCR registration ensures that the identity of those seeking sanctuary from war and persecution is properly recorded and verified. It is the first and most critical step towards ensuring refugee assistance, access to basic services, and protection. Henley & Partners has already contributed over USD 1.5 million to the UNHCR to assist with the registration and documentation of more than 50,000 people around the world.

group visiting refugee camp

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For more information about Henley & Partners’ humanitarian projects, get in touch with us today.

smiling professional business meeting

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