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The Global Leader in
Residence and Citizenship by Investment

Henley Global Citizens Report

A bespoke publication for those who follow private wealth and investment migration trends — from high-net-worth investors and their advisors, to industry professionals, and policy makers looking to leverage residence or citizenship by investment programs to support economic growth and employment creation. Featuring exclusive high-net-worth-individual migration and private wealth data alongside global and regional insights, this is a must-read for anyone interested in millionaires on the move.

View the most recent Henley Private Wealth Migration dashboard here.

Henley Global Citizens Report

High-net-worth migration is back

The wealth migration data reflects that after a two-year hiatus due to pandemic-related restrictions, millionaires are on the move again. While not quite back to pre-pandemic levels, net high-net-worth-individual inflows and outflows are recovering, and 2023 looks set to see the highest number of millionaires migrating in history, with a significant number doing so via investment migration programs. Relentless volatility in the transitional post-Covid period is heightening security, political, and economic risks, prompting wealthy families to diversify their domicile portfolios to ensure their legacies, wealth, and lifestyles are protected.


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